Looking for something good to read?

Here are the 5 most popular articles on the site. Enjoy!

1. Soloing the Grand Canyon: Complete Kayak Self-Support Guide

A quick guide for planning an executing a personal Grand Canyon trip. Relevant to soloists, rafters, kayakers, and anyone else who wants to know what type of food and camping gear you need on a month-long river trip!

2. Film Release: Why Rush Through Paradise

A peek into this spectacular place. A documentary of my 28-day solo trip through the Grand Canyon.

3. What I Wish I Knew Before the James River Rundown 100

Ever wanted to paddle 100 miles straight in a day? I've got a couple tips to make it as comfortable as possible, and go fast in a race. The main tip? Wear gloves.

4. Choosing a Satellite Device: DeLorme inReach SE vs SPOT Gen3

It's never a bad idea to have a satellite device with you in the outdoors, and this guide breaks down the cost to determine which device is best suited to your needs.

5. Above the Monkey: Green Race 2015

This iconic race starts the first Saturday in November at high noon. Check out some shots of the 2015 race with a sweet vantage point over Gorilla.

Want something else? Gotcha covered. Here are all posts - categorized first by date, then by category.